I'm a sahm to my dear daughter Audrey and my best friend and husband Rudy :) lol). I love my family very much (which includes our "4 legged" children: Bear, Penny, Oliver & Patch). We homeschool our daughter, & LOVE IT, the BEST way to educate, such fun!
I love the Lord with all my heart, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 13 years old...I have not always lived my life for Him, but by His grace, I have turned back toward Him and He always welcomes me with open arms. How about you? Do you know Him?
One of my favorite thing to do is to watch football games, Nascar races along with many other sports. I'm a devoted fan of the Cincinnati Bengals and Dale Earnhardt Jr. (June Bug) go #88!
I'm an eclectic 'doer' of thinks: sewing; knitting & crocheting (still learning); other misc. crafts; blogging; perusing the internet for fun things to read and/or make; lurking on Facebook; working Sudoku puzzles.
Eclectic "things" that I love are vintage milk glass, teapots, bells, baskets & decorative thimbles (just a little bit about me). I also love the color purple & penguins!