Saturday, July 05, 2008

Celebrating the 4th!

We had a wonderful day celebrating our Independence! Audrey was dressed to start the day right!

Rudy had got the party area set up. Chairs ready, the big umbrella up, and the pool filled (a tiny one but still lots of fun) with warm water (it was rather cold this 4th of July).

The cold didn't bother Audrey, she kicked back and enjoy the bath-like water.

The the rain came. That didn't stop our celebrating, we just kept it under the umbrella.
We enjoyed poppers and sparklers.
Rudy manned the grill, our traditional 4th of July fair. Porterhouse, corn on the cob & our pouched potatoes (sliced potatoes, onions, garlic, salt & butter).

Audrey had us each adorn our steak with star candles (we've decided not to light, so we could keep them for years to come).
We sit down to our "make shift" table in the garage (because of the rain) and had a wonderful meal.
What a perfect day, even with the cold & rain. Perfect because it was time enjoyed with my husband & my daughter!

1 comment:

Not Slim Shady said...

The food was good, the water was warm with steam coming off of it. And Sharky was cool. All in all, good day.