Friday, February 06, 2009

Two "Pray for Roy" ~ Giveaways!

I was just reading about Roy and his battle with cancer. Roy's wife, Elisabeth, has a wonderful blog (Roy's Progress), and a VERY generous Valentine's Giveaway going on over there until Feburary 10th!

Please visit Roy and his family at Roy's Progress and enter the giveaway. She will have Roy draw a name on February 10th! I have added him and his family to my prayers and I hope that you do too.

Penny at Miss Goodie 2 Shoes is also having a Pray for Roy giveaway. She is giving away one of her beautiful homemade Easter banner's.

So head on over to Miss Goodie 2 Shoes and Roy's Progress and enter their giveaways. If you don't want to win one of these fantastic giveaways, please add Roy and his family to your prayers!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Yeah, Tammy !
Thank you for visiting and for the nice comments and for posting about Roy ~

I really believe in the power of prayer ~