Monday, January 05, 2009

Beef Stew (canned)

We canned 14 qts. of beef stew this evening (we only have 13 qts now though, Audrey already ate one, lol). It's really delicious and so easy to do.

3-5 lbs. beef stew meat (I usually get a 3-5 lb roast that's on sale and cut it up into 1" cubes)
6-8 carrots - sliced
4-6 celery stalks - chopped
1-2 onions - diced
10-12 potatoes - pealed, cubed
1 1/2 tbls salt
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. pepper

NOTE: Vegetables do not need to be precooked
I flour, salt & pepper the cubed meat then brown. Combine meat, vegetables and seasonings; cover with boiling beef broth (you can use water or a mix of broth & water).
Pack hot into hot jars (we usually do stew in regular mouth qt. jars) leaving 1-inch head space. Remove any air bubbles. Adjust caps.
Process pints 1 hour, quarts 1 hour and 15 mins at 10 lbs. pressure.
Yield: about 7 quarts

Now we have some tasty beef stew ready for any time it's craved.

1 comment:

Not Slim Shady said...

This morning I said "I'm only going to get up if I can have beef stew." My dad was like "So, if I want you to have something first, like breakfast, you won't get up?" And then me "Ever. I'll just stay in bed forever." Him "Okay, just stay in ther forever then." But I did end up having beef stew.