Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Low-Carb Snacks : Homemade Baked Cheese Crisps Recipe

I just found this fantastic snack! It's super quick & easy and you can "customize" it to your own favorite flavors! They're great to snack on when you really have the need to "munch"! They will also satisfy actual hunger, which is always a good quality for a FOOD. 

All you need for this wonderful snack is cheese! That's right cheese, any kind you like! Well, a cookie sheet, parchment paper (I was out of parchment so I used silpat) and an oven is also needed.

We used shredded cheddar and a shredded "pizza" mix (mozzarella, Romano & parmigiana)! You can mix in favorite seasoning's too! If you're using brick/block cheese, slice it and break or cut it into little squares. About an inch in size is good. Shredded you pile in little heaps.   

Put it on the middle rack of a 350 degree oven and bake 5 to 7 minutes till brown. If not brown they will be chewy and not crisp!
Remove to a cooling rack or plate. Once cool... 

They're crisp and tasty!

I hope you try these, they're fantastic!

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