Thursday, April 19, 2012

Continuing on to February!

 My Mom watches my niece four day's a week for my brother & his wife. Usually that's Monday through Thursday. Sometimes the Monday needs to change to Friday. Well, this happened on a Friday that my Dad already had a medical test scheduled. So I planned to go over to Mom & Dad's and watch Janie for them.

When this happens, Audrey usually goes too and we stay for little awhile. We only live 40 mins. from Granny & Grandpa, but Audrey loves doing this occasionally. 

I took some of my left-over VBS crafts (the foam faces seen below). Me, Granny, Janie & Audrey had a blast making some fun stick people. Well, on another day my sister Mitzi came over and when you get the two of us together we go crazy : P!

We started "feeding: off each other and this is what happens when you give two crazy sisters foam, a pair of scissor, glue and some glitter!
These two are my sister and her husband Mark
(he has on a removable air cast - which he really had at the time)
My sisters four children
(L to R: Britainy 27, Keegan 19, Cassidy 17,
 and Avery 4, who is always dressed as a princess)
This group is some of the others we made that evening
(Prince Charming and a Princess is included in that group of course)
Later in the week my sister called me and said that all of a sudden
Avery blurted our "Oh no, we forgot to make Snow White".
Being the good aunt that I am, I made her one.
Then Audrey asked for Ariel!

See that whole in the tree?
A squirrel made it! It's his new home!
(Click on the picture to see it better)

February 18th we went to Jamfest to see Cassidy's Senior Hip Hop routine! It was fabulous. 

It has already gotten heads to turn around all around the nation. All the other team members and parents were asking when Midwest Cheer Elite's Senior Hip Hop was going to perform. My sister had several parents ask her the same question.

Cassidy and her team will be leaving for world competition at Disneyland next Wednesday, April 25th.

Waiting for Cassidy to arrive!
Still waiting: L to R My Dad, Mitzi with the camera, Mark, my Mom, and Avery in front
We all get to see her! 
She's ready to go (front and center)
Still front and center
Cassidy and her boyfriend, Chris
Cassidy & Avery doing their own thing!
With all the hard tumbling in this routine, her feet have taken a beating  
Granny & Grandpa with Cassidy

Britainy (Cassidy "big" sister) and Mat join the picture. 
Aunt & cousin want's a pic too! (Me & Audrey)
Beautiful Cassidy!
They had this in the lobby! "Jammy" for Jamfest!


Finish up with some misc. pictures!
One of Janie's "fancy" lunches (as she calls them)
Daisy, Britainy & Mat's little doggie (she's a scottie & a dachshund)
Cute cousins!
(Janie & Avery eating pizza
at Granny & Grandpa's counter)

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